Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Challenging and Busy Winter

It has been 5 months since I've posted up on the blog. I think it was partly the dark that sucked out my  energy as well as a constant stream of sick and exhausted kids and adults that also contributed to my silence. This morning however, I am finally motivated to write.

Here is a quick recap of winter. It has been weird and mild. At the beginning of December we got our first snow and thought we were off to a good start. After a couple of weeks the temperatures went up and the snow melted. It was essentially a snowless Christmas. Janet's entire family was here for the Christmas holiday. James, Lucy, Peter and Elliot all enjoyed a snowless Barne Park. It was otherwise a really nice time having a full house.

With no snow on the ground for much of January we were really struggling with the short days.  Add to that Janet was going through some serious first trimester nausea. That put me on the hook for doing all the cooking, cleaning, bed times, work, homework, etc. That ended up really wearing me out for about 8-10 weeks.

The casualty was my training program. I had carefully planned my training schedule in December and started putting in the hours during the first couple of weeks in January. By the third week in January I had the throw the plan out the window. The best I could do was commute to work by bike some days. In the end I kept enough activity in the schedule not to loose too much fitness, but there was certainly no improvement and lost weight. 

Once the snow returned at the end of January I rushed out to the sports store and got some cross country skis. I only managed to make it out a couple of times with the kids before the snow disappeared for good in Mid-January.

Although it was a long hard winter, we still did some fun stuff. Yes, we ate too  much McDonalds because Dad was in charge. We also went to Lekeland, horse back riding, bought fish and set up the trampoline in March.

It was a hard winter for the parents, but one of the great things that came from this winter was seeing our kids become better friends and more independent.