Monday, January 14, 2013


Today, James went to his first day at Barnepark. Translated, it means “Children’s Park” and is essentially a preschool in which the only curriculum is getting as much fresh air and sunshine as possible, sunshine optional.  No matter the weather, the children are dressed appropriately and play outside on a fenced playground from 10:00 in the morning until 2:00 in the afternoon. They go inside for lunch and potty breaks.   

There is, of course, a cold weather policy in place, though it differs from what you would expect back in the states. If the temperature drops below -10°C (14°F) they start an hour later and spend one hour outside, then one hour inside, followed by another hour outside. Appropriate clothing was defined as wool thermals, wool socks, wool sweater, full body snowsuit, hat, waterproof mittens and a scarf. So it was that James, on this brisk day (3°F), bundled up and spent over 2 hours playing outside with friends, trucks and snow. For an almost 4 year old boy, he was livin’ the dream. Can’t you tell from the pictures?

Dressed and ready to go

The after picture - note the rosy cheeks

James is always a happy guy, but seriously

Lucy approved. 

We had a 3-minute drive to Maddie's school. He didn't stand a chance.

Barbies and cars with Maddie