Friday, May 31, 2013

The Price of Being Tardy

Yesterday the kids were incredibly cute in the morning leading me to hang around a few extra minutes. Combine that with a detour on my ride to work I showed up at the office around 8:15 covered in sweat and road spray. Waiting at the door was my maintenance supervisor. As I walk in winded he tells me I'm late. I ask him for what. He tells me the staff meeting on the second floor. THEN I REMEMBERED. The staff meeting I scheduled the afternoon before for 8:00......OH SHOOT!

Anyway there are rules and there are consequences. So today I brought in brownies and a letter of apology to my staff.

Unfortunately you all have to settle for the letter as I can't share brownies over the web.

Facilities Management Staff: 

Once in a while a fearless leader falls short. In rememberance of the events the morning of May 30, 2013 enjoy these sweet tokens of apology. 

The Best Brownies in Great Valley – A History 

I grew up 20 miles west of Philadelphia. The general area is know as the Main Line as it was along the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. More specifically the area I lived in was nicknamed Great Valley as it lies in a valley the runs for several miles. 

The area is notable for its rich American History. Many Revolutionary War battles were fought in and around this area. The Valley Forge Encampment of 1777-1778 was only 5 miles from my home. The Valley Forge Encampment was a turning point in the Revolutionary War when a rag-tag army under the command of General George Washington finally trained and organized to become the formidable army that ultimately won America’s independence. 

I was fortunate enough as a kid to live in an old colonial era farm house built around 1750. Living in a house that old gives me the appreciation for the level of effort it takes to keep old houses like the CMR and DCMR up and running. 

These brownies are in honor of the area I grew up. I made them from scratch with a recipe my dad tweaked to perfection.  They are sweet, and overwhelmingly chocolatey treats that remind me of home. 

Sincerly,The Absent Minded Facilities Manager

Please chim in if you can tell me the history of the Great Valley a little better. This is the best I could come up with in a rushed few minutes.

At the end of the day I hope I have been forgiven. Several Norwegians commented how much they enjoyed the brownies. To magnify the complement, a couple told me they had never tasted a brownie they liked.