Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hunderfossen Family Park

On race day, the kids and I waved goodbye to Cameron and, in spite of a rainy forecast, headed for the Hunderfossen theme park. The rain kept the crowds away and we had a fun day in spite of the weather.

The Jeeps were a popular ride for us because it was one of the few that Lucy could go on.

Trying out the remote controlled cars. 

Digging for fossils

It's tough being under 120cm.

Maddie and James loved this ride. It came with a little traffic school at the beginning, probably in norwegian. Maddie was zipping around with the pack and although James spent most of his time in the weeds, he still came away thrilled.

Along with trolls and petroleum, agriculture was a strong theme featured at the park.

Taking a salami sandwich break.

I'll be honest, this picture was the low point of the day. Maddie and James are riding the semi-trucks (below) and Lucy is shivering and eating her rain-soaked sandwich. Did I mention I had a head cold and we left the Advil at home? It was about noon, but I was seriously considering packing it in and heading back to the cabin for a Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers marathon.

The semi-trucks, complete with a little tunnel (not pictured) were James' personal favorite.

We sought refuge in the new, indoor science exhibit. It was the perfect place to dry off and boost morale. We spent almost two hours in this building, starting off with the Lego tables.

The water table. It was much bigger than this, but this was the best picture I could get. We also went into an exhibit that, I think, was supposed to take us on a journey of water traveling through the pipes. I found myself wandering a pitch-black maze with Lucy on my hip and Maddie and James clutching my pockets. The kids were all very brave, but we didn't do that again.

We finally decided it was time to face the rain, but walked out of the building into sunshine! The mountain farms around Lillehammer are beautiful and charming. The pictures can't do justice to the little fields and sheep-filled pastures all along the hillsides surrounding the park. We stayed at the park until the last possible minute before we had to meet up with Cameron. Although the kids were still going strong, I was ready to call it a day :)