Saturday, December 8, 2012

It's beginning to feel a lot like Jule

Life is good and it is beginning to feel a lot like Jule. Monday all our stuff gets delivered, sometime next week I can drive my car, snow is on the ground, Christmas music is playing and Jule is in full swing. After spending a couple of days exclusively with Lucy it was fun to take James and Madeline into town today. Add some sun and today was a nice day. James, Madeline and I bundled up to go out in the cold and ride the bus into the city.

Once in town, we got off at the bus stop near the embassy so we could take a bathroom break. While their, the kids spent some time looking at the giant goldfish in a pond in the atrium of the embassy.  Then I took Madeline around the side of the embassy to show her our van. It is so close, but so far away. We are waiting for the transportation people to take the van to get its diplomatic license plates. It sounds cooler than it really is. No, actually it is really cool. I can drive on the toll roads around Oslo without paying $5 tolls every time I hop on the road.

Next we took our sweet time walking to the Julemarked (The Christmas Market). You can see the kids had already eaten all the snow along the previous Jersey barrier. Later they got down and found better snow at the bottom of the barrier.

The Julemarked is definitely a place to look but not buy unless you are looking for something very specific like a Norwegian nativity set, which I think Janet wants for Christmas. Anyway the sounds, smells and sights of a Norwegian Christmas were all around. I would love to spend some more time at the Julemarked when the kids haven't already walked a long way.

Then we found the free iceskating rink. Although we didn't have ice skates, we had a great time.

Once that was done we got some hot dogs, hopped on the train and came home.

The only problem with taking the train is that it is a mile walk to the house. I ended up carrying both worn out kids most of the way home like this.