Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Morning Rush

Yesterday, Cameron called home with the news that our vehicle has arrived in Oslo, almost two weeks before it was expected. If there are no issues, we hope to have it in our possession within a few days. This is excellent news especially now that some truly frigid weather has rolled in.

While we’re waiting for it to come, the children and I have settled into a fairly smooth routine for getting Maddie to and from her school bus stop and getting our grocery shopping done at the same time. There is an Aldi’s-style mini-mart just next to the bus stop, so we’re able to duck in there and pick up anything we need for the day before heading back up the hill. It’s worked out pretty well, although there have been a few walks that we’d all like to forget. One thing I’ve learned is that if James’ fingers get cold, he cannot/will not take one more step and will DEMAND a piggy back ride the rest of the way home. I learned the hard way that this is not physically possible for me to do while pushing an enormous stroller, especially if I’m trying to get home quickly because someone else in the party desperately has to use the toilet. And yet, if I forget about those few grueling hikes, it’s been a fun and active way to start and finish the day and after the car comes, I may miss those walks. 

 Gearing up for the morning walk

 Waiting for the bus to come

Off to school 

Waving goodbye to the bus - James isn't sad because he knows his favorite part is next 

Other items vary, but we ALWAYS need milk, since it comes in these tiny little cartons 

So proud to be my helper. He takes his job very seriously 

The other mandatory item: mini candy bars, one for each of us.  

Waiting his turn 

I am not allowed, under any circumstances, to help with this job 

The long slog back up the hill